Minister of Sound 2021 Flyer 1.png

ministers of sound

"Music and Words have the power to transform. The DJ as a minister, someone who serves to provide musical remedies, has the opportunity to impart a message, inspire the community & unify humanity by moving the crowd.”  – Ministers Of Sound

Historically, DJs have been the gateways to new horizons in art form, music genre and popular music. Traditionally, from Wednesday to Sunday, DJs and ministers alike are constantly busy serving their congregations.  And, over the last year, through a pause created by pandemic, it was the DJs; modern-day healers and “preachers of the gospel” that kept us afloat and revived our spirits. DJ’s across the globe placed salves of music on our heart aches, circumstances and open wounds while providing remedies of joy, pride, resistance and resilience.

As a human race, through cyberspace and the internet super highway, we joined each other on virtual dance floors across the country.  We set our clocks, dressed as if we were going out for the evening or in our Sunday’s best, poured our favorite beverage, then tuned in live to witness, dance and fellowship via social media.  In our homes, we laughed, cried, reflected, released and remembered the good times. The DJ’s purged our hearts and soothed our souls through music.  Their carefully crafted playlists pulled us into a vibe and have kept us moving and entertained throughout these challenging times. From the acclaimed “Club Quarantine” to Atlanta’s world class DJ’s, we were transported daily to an oasis, amid COVID-19 and its harsh realities.


Through wardrobe and the DJ’s personal spiritual belief system, Ministers of Sound “moves the crowd”, by establishing a unique photographic and artistic parallel between DJs and traditional, modern-day ministers and spiritual leaders to explore a deeper connection; further examining the distinct role of the deejay, emphasizing their significance and exploring the powerful role that music plays in the spiritual wellness of society as a whole.  The parallel to theologians or preachers, ignites the notion that DJs are ministers in music; preaching from their respective “pulpits”— empowering and inspiring the loyal congregations they serve.

Originally conceived in 2008, the concept and context for this exhibition is in tribute to the curator’s father, Rev. Hardy S. Bennings, Jr. who was a minister, powerful leader, activist and beloved servant of his community.



In conjunction with the exhibition, the Ministers of Sound Service is a worship service orchestrated musically by DJs. It offers a unique interpretation of a traditional Sunday service where DJs executes components of what would be equivalent to that of many faith-based Sunday worship services across the South. It is an effort to ignite the unique parallel of DJs to ministers; their powerful role in the community and the opportunity they have to impart a message, inspire the community and unify humanity (by moving the crowd), similar to that of modern day or indigenous spiritual leaders. The concept for the Ministers of Sound exhibition and Sunday Service was conceived as a tribute to the curators late father, Rev. Hardy S. Bennings, Jr., who was a minister and beloved community leader.


